Wheatley Student Summer School 2018 Students will be starting Summer School on June 6, lasting through June 22, 2018.
Students learn about eggs hatching Ms. Elliot 4-H Program Assistant Teaches Wheatley students about Egg Hatching
Wheatley students get hands-on experience at Fort Hood Our Fort Hood Adopt-a-Unit, the 11th Air Support Operations Squadron, welcomed Wheatley students to Fort Hood for a hands on experience. Take a look at coverage from KCEN Channel 6.
Adults Can Graduate With a Diploma Under Program Adults who attended Temple ISD schools or who have a child in Temple ISD can get their high school diploma through a program at Wheatley.
Presentation of the Flag On September 7, Post Chaplain James Andrew Sneed delivered a flag from VFW Post 1820 and presented it to one of our elementary teachers, Mr. Oliver.
Adult Education Registration and Info Session to be Held at Wheatley Wheatley Alternative Education will hold a registration and informational session for the Adult Education Program on Monday, September 11 beginning at 4 p.m.