CIS Activities

Star Student Awards!

Students receive recognition for good behavior, using proper social skills, and helping others. This program promotes respect, honesty, generosity, caring, friendliness. This program also helps students learn how to become trustworthy, cooperative and responsible.

Who I Am makes a difference!

Self esteem project that encourages students to obtain good character and see the good in others. This project offers student recognition/awards, self esteem enhancement, social and communication skills.

 Work Solutions

Offer students training for appropriate demeanor in the work place. This program teaches career development, employment skills training, financial planning, resume time management skills, organization skills, on the job training.


Drinking and driving safety awareness for middle school and high school students. Guest Speaker, Officer Roy Pitrucha from TPD offers: video, group discussion and drunk-goggles.

Project Success

Central Texas Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (CTCADA) brings their resources to Wheatley for a nine week program which educates students on the dangers of tobacco, drugs and alcohol.


Pregnancy and Post-Partum Intervention classes are provided by CTCADA. They are partnered with Scott &White and the New Parent Support team to offer classes and educational programs.

Mommy & Me Classes

Mommy & Me classes are also provided by CTCADA. This program educates teens on what to expect while expecting and how to handle stresses of raising a baby while finishing high school.

Real Talk

Students place questions in the “Real Talk” box. CIS, administration, staff, and students discuss issues in small group settings. Groups are divided up by gender and class rank.

  1. B. E. A. C. O. N.
    Building - Empowering - Appreciating - Cultivating

 Rodney L. Duckett speaks to our students on a variety of topics throughout the school year.  His interactive sessions with students include how to be success driven, avoiding negative routines, how to build positive relationships, respecting and appreciating the people in our lives that are looking out for us, and giving back to the community.